Soluzione gioco mystery case files return ravenhearst
Soluzione gioco mystery case files return ravenhearst

When the horn is connected to the bellows, press down on the bellows. Repeat this procedure until the horn reaches the bellows. When you finish this sequence, the game shows a coin rolling into an elephant’s mouth. Press each valve a number of times equal to the number showing on each die. Three valves appear on the top of the screen. Start this puzzle by pressing the red button marked on. Music Room PuzzleĪ few simple steps allow a player to progress through the game. Take the paper key and use it on the lock. Click on the nickel and place it in the slot on the fortune teller. Keep pressing the level until you get two fishes. Pull the revealed lever to play the slot machine. If you lose the game, exit the scenario and start over. The grinder then places the fish bones in the slot machine. Catch the fish and throw it into the grinder. Do this by pressing the green and blue buttons repeatedly. Keep pressing the button until the fisherman’s reel lowers his line until he catches the fish. Press the blue button and the fisherman will lower his pole. Press the green button on the fortune teller to cause a nearby fish to move. Press the Z button to reveal a fortune teller. The card turns over to reveal a Z button. Start this puzzle by clicking on the Death tarot card. When the balloon rises high enough, it reveals a valve. Click on the top of the bicycle pump to inflate the balloon. The heated water runs down the pipe and into the bathtub on the screen. Light the flame under the container by moving the wind up car. Rotate the bottle until the liquid falls down into the next container. Use the bottle opener on the cap of the purple bottle. Set the clock hand of the clock so the time reads 9:30.

soluzione gioco mystery case files return ravenhearst

Start the puzzle by clicking on the valve to the right of the clock. The daytime and night-time puzzle took little effort, but lock to the servants' quarters requires more thought. Put the items related to day on the day side and put the items related to night time on the dark side. The order of the pieces does not matter as long as you put them on the right side. The Parlor lock puzzle is divided into day and night sections. It would take too long to explain how to complete these puzzles. Use the same methods you would use to solve any other jigsaw puzzle. The game requires you to put together pictures from the diary pages that complete a picture.

soluzione gioco mystery case files return ravenhearst

This point and click adventure does not have the same complexity of Frogware entertainment’s Sherlock Holmes games or the complexity of the recent Sam and Max Wii games. Ravenhearst started life as a flash game and made the transition to a PC cd. Ravenhearst made the transition to a desktop game. Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst started out as a simple flash game.

Soluzione gioco mystery case files return ravenhearst