Ubi caritas ola gjeilo
Ubi caritas ola gjeilo

ubi caritas ola gjeilo

eht een eh- dee- aw naw stree seet Kree- steh Deh- oos. !Et in ed - di- o nos tri sit Chri- ste De - us. Cheh- sent eeoor jee- ah mah lee nyah cheh- sent lee-tehs. !Ces- sent iur- gi- a ma- lig- na ces- sent li- tes. Let us be careful, lest we be divided in intention.

ubi caritas ola gjeilo

Neh naws mehn teh dee- vee dah- moor, cah- veh- ah- moos. !Ne nos men- te di- vi- da - mur, ca ve- a- mus. Also therefore when we come together: let us be united as one. See- mool ehr- gaw eht een oo- noom kawn-greh- ga- moor. !Si- mul er- go et in u- num con- grega mur. And from a sincere heart let us love one another. eht eks kohr- deh dee-lee- gah-moos naws seen-cheh-raw. Composer/pianist Ola Gjeilo joins the CWU Chamber Choir (Gary Weidenaar, director) in presenting Gjeilo's 'Ubi Caritas'.In mid-April, 2011, Ola spent 3 days. !Et ex cor de di li ga mus nos sin ce ro. tee- meh-ah- moos eht ah-meh- moos deh-oom vee-voom. ehk- sool- teh- moos eht een eep-saw yoo-koon-deh-moor. !Ex sul te mus et in ip so ju cun de mur. The love of Christ has gathered us together. kawn-greh- gah- veet naws een oo-noom kree-stee ah-mohr. !Con gre ga vit nos in u num Chris ti a mor. Where (there is) charity and love, God is there. oo-bee kah-ree-tahs eht ah-mohr deh-oos ee-bee ehst.

ubi caritas ola gjeilo

A= ah E= eh I= ee O=aw U=oo !This guide provides the Latin text first, followed by phonetic pronunciation, and then the English translation. Ubi Caritas has higher complexity than the average song in terms Chord-Bass Melody. Chord And Melody Metrics For Ubi Caritas Learn more about these metrics. Ubi Caritas pronunciation guide: The JW Pepper Ubi Caritas-Richard Kidd listening example from company is a good example !Remember, in Latin all r will be slightly flipped All vowels are pure, sung with no diphthong. Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo Chords and Melody.

Ubi caritas ola gjeilo